Wednesday, 7 October 2015

You Don't Need Stars To Do Porn Movies-Fipag PRO

Public Relation Officer of Film Producers Association of Ghana {FIPAG} has already made it clear to Ghanaians that they are ready to venture into Porn Movies if rules are not set to stop foreign Telenovelas which has porn scenes on our Televisions.

“You look at the kissing and the fondling scenes and ask yourself if I put these things in our movies will it be allowed”

In an interview with Kwaku B on anapua 105.1 fm, Ola Kwaku Micheal, said some producers have been put on hold waiting for the green light to release them.

“As am speaking with you, we have shot some porn movies and have been flown to abroad for editing because it was difficult to get editors here”

“More producers are ready to shoot some but we have put them on hold and will be given the green light if things are not changed”

When he was asked if he has gotten some stars for the porn movie? He said;“You don’t need stars to do porn movie. You just have to get some nice people who know how to do it”

Source: modern ghana


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